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Nuclear Cardiology Specialist

Apex Cardiology Consultants -  - Interventional Cardiology

Apex Cardiology Consultants

Interventional Cardiology & General Cardiology located in Inglewood, CA

Coronary artery disease causes more than 33% of all deaths among people over the age of 35. Nuclear cardiology testing at Apex Cardiology Consultants in Inglewood, California, offers early detection, so you can prevent severe health problems or death. Experienced interventional cardiology specialists Jack Farahi, MD, FACC, and Mason Weiss, MD, FACC, provide complete cardiology care in their state-of-the-art Los Angeles area facility, so call the office or click the online booking tool to make your appointment.

Nuclear Cardiology Q & A

What is nuclear cardiology?

Nuclear cardiology is an advanced type of heart imaging in which tiny quantities of injected radioactive substances (radiotracers) help to examine heart function. 

Radiotracers move into certain areas and emit radiation that a specialized camera (gamma camera) can detect. A computer then compiles this information and translates it into an image of your heart. The gamma camera can operate independently or with a CT scanner.

What conditions can nuclear cardiology diagnose?

Nuclear cardiology can detect coronary artery disease (CAD), which occurs if plaque — a collection of cholesterol and other fatty substances — accumulates inside your coronary artery. Plaque eventually hardens and builds up further, slowing or blocking blood flow. 

The reduced blood leads to heart muscle damage and a significant increase in heart attack risk. Eventually, CAD can lead to heart weakening and heart failure. CAD is the most common form of heart disease in America, and it causes one-third of all deaths in people over the age of 35.

Nuclear cardiology can detect CAD earlier than other kinds of imaging, so it may actually help save your life.

In addition to diagnosing CAD, nuclear cardiology imaging can check heart blood flow, evaluate heart damage, and check results after a surgical procedure for a clogged artery. You may need nuclear cardiology imaging if you have abnormal electrocardiogram (EKG) results. 

What can I expect during nuclear cardiology imaging?

After injection of the radiotracer, you lie down on the exam table under the gamma camera as it detects the radiotracer emissions. You may have stress testing, in which you exercise on a treadmill before another injection and imaging. 

In some cases, you may have nuclear cardiology imaging along with an EKG for cardiac gating a way of checking heart function in a particular part of its cardiac cycle. If you’re not able to walk on the treadmill during the EKG, your provider can inject a medication that produces the same effects as exercise.

Nuclear cardiology is a safe and comfortable way to get highly advanced imaging tests that you need. Call Apex Cardiology Consultants or click on the online scheduling tool to arrange your appointment.